Monday, May 14, 2018

Measured Leap of Faith

I could be an engineer. I could be a good engineer. But for me to accept that fate and embrace the corporate world and all that comes with it would mean that I would have to leave a piece of myself behind. It's a piece I cherish and have nurtured my whole life. It is the adventurous part that wants to explore without bounds. The part that wants to thumb its nose at convention and the monotony of an average life in the 21st century. It is the part of me that has an unquenchable thirst for understanding people, the world, and life. I do not mean this to sound as dark and bleak as it inevitably does, because people can live a fine life conforming to society and convention; but I feel that I have an opportunity at an extraordinary life. One that will reach out and benefit everyone I hold dear to my heart. I understand the risks that come with a leap of faith; which I am pretty sure sure picking up and spending three weeks on another continent surely qualifies. I have dissected and reconstructed in a constantly repeating loop since the day our idea was conceived; all the while adding the data I acquire along the way to the system of equations, developing a greater understanding. I am confident that we are on the right path; I believe that we are ultimately “on to something.” If this is your first time visiting this blog, or you keep coming back for one reason or another, thank you, and I promise it's about to get real interesting.


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